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Conquer the GRE with ease through our comprehensive approach that emphasizes every detail. Regardless of obstacles such as poor math or English proficiency, we will guide you to success.

What are the learning options for studying GRE?

Four learning formats for GRE studies.

Private Class

Schedule an exclusive live class and invite friends to learn together.

Group Class

Live group classes with close friends or new acquaintances at a scheduled time.

Live Online Class

Schedule private live classes with LearnSpace globally via the internet.

LearnChat Class

Study with LearnChat+ anywhere via internet on smartphones, tablets, or computers.


GRE is an exam for individuals who wish to apply for graduate education programs. It is divided into two types: the general test (GRE Revised General Test) and the subject test (GRE Subject Test), which includes Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science. The test that individuals must take depends on their desired field of study. We offer guaranteed results in GRE preparation!

Embark on the path to success and conquer the GRE scores with ease! We cover every detail with a focus on deep exploration of every subject. You will gain confidence as you realize that GRE is not as difficult as it may seem, no matter what obstacles you face. Be it weak mathematics foundation, slow calculation speed, imprecise or uncertain English proficiency, we will guide you every step of the way. It’s time to stop worrying and stressing, as preparation is the most important factor for success. Let us be your helping hand to make your preparation more efficient, so you’ll be fully ready for the important test ahead.

GRE is an exam used for admission into graduate degree programs in leading universities across the world. The exam consists of four main sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Analytical Writing.

Our tailored GRE course is designed to address individual weaknesses, including difficulties with mathematics, English language skills, slow calculation speeds, difficulty in reading long passages, and challenges with grammar and writing. Our learning approach is personalized for each student, beginning with a strong foundation of mathematics and English language basics, including vocabulary and formula. The course also focuses on extensive practice with problem-solving and identifying errors to develop skills and accuracy. Our course is conducted with live tutors, providing guidance and answers to all your questions throughout your study period.
