International Exams Expert | study real-time online
live online studying in real-time
Live online studying in real-time with LearnSpace from all around the world
The starting point of success towards leading international universities worldwide. We certify 100% for Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, Mahidol University International College (MUIC), IELTS, SAT, TOEFL.

Learning Pathway

Courses taught by international team
Truly connected by digital strategy
Small groups, no more than 6 people.
Try One-on-One Learning
Get personalized instruction and tutoring on any subject
Why Quest? We’re confident that you’ll succeed.

The ultimate innovation in new learning methods! Learn from home with our online courses and real-time language and academic classes, enhancing student participation in virtual classrooms for more effective learning. We have developed a detailed system and program for measuring learning outcomes, allowing students to compare their test results with international standards such as IELTS, SAT, TOEFL, GED, RMIT, CU-TEP, CU-AAT, and TU-GET.
What’s your learning style?
Choose from our 4 learning platforms.

Live Online Class
Create your own personalized live schedule with LearnSpace, the most private platform available anywhere on the internet!

Private Class
Create the most exclusive live learning schedule at our institution and invite your friends to join you.

LearnChat Class
Learn with LearnChat and study from wherever you are in the world, using your smart phone, tablet, or computer.

Group Class
Join a scheduled group live learning session with your close friends and make new acquaintances at the same time.
Welcome to the Metaverse
LearnSpace Metaverse
Thailand’s first interactive virtual learning platform.